Rules for traveler
1. Don't change name or footnote can add icons in footnote if needed
2. Keep healthy
3. Enjoy her
4. Is breedable
5. Lore and decor optional
6. Don't remove or take any decor
Keep her as long as you wish
User: 𝔉𝔬𝔵♡ #89914
Decor added: Yarrow, Lunar Wisp
Lore: After a long, tiring day of travelling with her pups, Future Realm used her psychic seer abilities. she followed a stream of a blue glow all the way to Taiga. By the time she has reached the land though, the exhausted mother lost the trail of the beautiful blue wisp. So she found a large pine tree, and cuddled up with her pups under it.
Future Realm hummed beautiful wolvden lullabies to sooth the cry of the pups. "It's okay little ones. We'll find a place to stay." She closed her eyes, and the world turns black. She's awakened to a handsome blue blur of a wolf. He had an energy that matched hers. A fellow seer.
He introduced himself as Azul, and kindly showed her to a welcoming pack called Kivi pack. The leader, Stryke took her in with open arms. She learned their way of life. Primarily though, she hung out with Azul. They formed a very strong bond. Soon, he took her on a date to a nearby yarrow field. He was a great wolf to her and they officially started dating. It wasn't long though, until she had a psychic dream warning her of a pack in desperate need of her assistance. It was too dangerous to bring her pups so she asked Azul to take care of them for until she could come back and see them. He gave her his word that he'd raise them well. It was hard, but they kissed and she went on her way to the next pack.
Date: 2/15/25 to 2/17/25