Things I will
-NOT- accept...
---> Wolves : I don't want your wolves. Period. I don't care what they have. I just... do not want them.
---> Decor : I don't really decorate much and I hate trying to sell these things. You can include them in an offer but be aware that I will be counting them as a zero value item so... you'd basically just be giving me an extra little present
---> Refunded Studding : I don't really use outside studs except for those belonging to friends or a very rare time I want a certain trait for my RnC goals. This is another thing that you can offer me but I will likely never use and therefore, it is zero value
Things I will accept...
Please note that I have almost no personal interest in any of these items. They are purely desired as they are fairly easy to move on the TC or through raffles. Therefore, only the price tag on them matters. I will not attach any particular extra value to anything based on my want or need for it.
---> MoDs : Yep. Everyone likes these
---> Applicators : Base and Markings only. Leathers and eyes are a special circle of hell to sell and if you offer me those, I will take it as a sign of your unending hatred for my remaining sanity...
---> Breeding Items : Sages, Balls, Meat, Blood... sounds like I'm up to something sketchy and I may very well be. These are all welcome
---> MONEY!!! : I think it goes without saying that everyone likes SC and GC