This wolf is currently on a breeding cool down. She will be able to fall pregnant again in 5 rollovers! This wolf has not rolled over today and will not be able to be traded or gifted until its next rollover.
Angrboða is a giant with a devastating background presence in the world of Norse Mythology. Her name translates to 'the one who brings grief,' an appropriate name for the mother of the three monstrous beings that will cause untold destruction at Ragnarǫk. These three children are Fenrir, Hel and Jǫrmungandr, and the father is, of course, none other than the devious trickster Loki.
In the 40th stanza of the Eddic poem Vǫluspá en skamma, we learn that she is the mother of Fenrir. Snorri expands on this, including the goddess Hel and the Midgard serpent as her other children, begat by Loki. While her presence isn't large outside of these stories, her influence as the mother of these beings is one felt throughout the entirety of the Norse cosmos, and will ultimately lead to countless deaths in the final battle.
Despite being adopted, Fallon named this wolf after Fenrir's mother. An honorable name that show's his favoritism between all his adopted children.