This wolf may leave due to neglect! Make sure to feed and play with her! This wolf has an undiagnosed illness! She is displaying the following symptoms: Fever, Discharge
This wolf is currently on a pair bond cool down for 29 rollovers! She can't form a new pair bond until then! This wolf is a traveling wolf! She is currently in her home pack.
"Someday, you will either hunt, pupsit, mentor, or even scout for this pack, Astrid. But unfortunately, I won't be alive to see.." --Freya
678 Base Stats
"Why must you fill my head with such nice words!" She spat in Sunflame's face. Her jaws were inches away from his muzzle."Because! You never learned how to say them, so let me help you, Astrid." The feeling of spiteful anger dulled from her eyes. Help? She was never offered help... "You are divinely beautiful, Astrid. I want to be with you forever," Sunflame muttered. His muzzle was tucked into her shoulder fur, and she relaxed into his warm breaths. She cracked a small smile. Sunflame's bright orange fur glowed it's brightest in the sun. Astrid licked between Sunflame's ears, humming happily. "You are something special, Astrid, and I cannot ask for a better mate." The two wolves were lounging together on the bridge west of the encampment. The bridge towered over the crashing river and slammed against the shores. She just grinned at him and pawed at his face. She never felt so happy before. Ever since Freya's death, she completely lost her happiness. "Let's hurry back before Khanrie'ah notices you missed the hunting patrol and I'm not pupsitting."