Stoic (stoic) fights with romantic
Breeding Kallisto x Charis
Muted Dark II x Muted Light II
Muted + Muted = muted, cool, warm, monochrome *
Light + Dark = 25% light, 50% medium, 25% dark
II + II = 60% I, 40% II
* cool, warm, muted, monochrome are assumed to each have 25% chance
Any color (25%) - medium (50%) - I (60%)
ashen, birch, blue, brass, cream, cream darker, gold, gold darker, gray lighter, honey, howlite, khaki, red, willow
Any color (25%) - light or dark (25%) - I (60%)
amber, apricot, beige, black, brown, caramel, chestnut, chocolate, cream lighter, dark brown, dust, glaucous, goldenrod, gold lighter, gray, gray darker, henna, honeydew, jet, liver, magnolia, marengo, quartz, shell, skarn, snow, tumbleweed, white
Any color (25%) - medium (50%) - II (40%)
acanthite, antler, blonde, chert, diorite, doubloon, galena, maltese, rust, saffron, sandy, silver, steele, sterling, sulphur, tawny, tuff, vanilla
Any color (25%) - light or dark (25%) - II (40%)
almond, arkose, auburn, biotite, buff, calcite, cocoa, denim, dinar, dravit, ducat, ebony, feldspar, isabel, jacinthe, lavender, lilac, melchior, nepheline, nocturne, obsidian, onyx, oroide, pale, peach, pecan, pewter, rime, russet, sarder, sepia, siqoq, sky, sphalerite, titanium, yellow
Special thanks to The Grouse House and to Medd-Lee