❌This is NOT a Wolvden lore wolf.
â—ŹName: Akuma
â—ŹSpecies: Direwolf (Shinigami God,God of Death)
â—ŹFur: Black
â—ŹEyes: White
â—ŹElement: Unknown
🌑An ancient entity old as time itself who brings death and despair to every living creature. He is often unconcerned with any consequences, resulting in him stirring chaos that creates trouble for others. He is also inquisitive and thrives off of seeing the repercussions from his actions, even if they are harmful to others.
🌑Despite possessing great intelligence, he remains uninterested in friendships and love, instead preferring to remain free of restrictions and obligations. He is always curious and fascinated by the ways in which humans(or animals) behave and react, preferring to observe these actions from a distance.
🌑He is often analytical and logical in his interactions with the world around him. He is always eager for excitement and finds joy in his own personal freedom. He loves to have fun and laughs often, often at the expense of others. His lack of loyalty to any particular human or cause suggests his impulsivity and the need to feel unrestricted.
🌑Akuma appears moments before any disaster occurs and is not affected by any danger. His presence is said to be eerie and out of this world.
He can be seen around war zones,deadly multiple car crashes or randomly wandering on dark streets.
🌑Appearance: A direwolf sized wolf with full black fur and unnatural large and sharp theeths and ghostly white eyes that shines in the dark. Akuma can appear as a male or female.
•Immortality: As a God of Death, Akuma has an infinite lifespan and is unaffected by disease and poison. He also can't be killed or injured by firearms, knives, or other weapons.
•Intangibility: Akuma can pass through walls and matter.
•Invisibility,Godly powers and attributes
•Teleporting at his will everywhere he wants on the planet.