Jan 22: Sono Andati was born to mother Dirge II and father Bon Odori. Winterreise was the second of the litter. She was born with siblings: sister Winterreise, brother V'ho Ingannato, sister Lacrimosa, and sister Pie Jesu.
Jan 25: Sono Andati tells you to go to their favourite spot as there is something prepared for you. When you ask why they didn't bring it here, Sono Andati shrugs, answering that it was too much work. (Roadrunner Feather)
Jan 27: Sono Andati is laid flat out on their back, feet in the air and paws twitching. They are sound asleep.
Feb 10: You nudge Sono Andati, who is asleep with their paw over their face. They mumble to give them another minute and go back to sleep.
Feb 15: Pie Jesu is an adult today, and has taken the role of a Baritone Chaser.