Your chosen wolf sips the colourful ichor and lies down, suddenly exhausted. Their nap is long, and the dream they had was life-changing, to say the least.
----When you talk to Blueberry you always feel as if they are focused on something else. You're caught off guard when they offer you a gift, mentioning that they prefer giving gifts over useless chit-chat.
----Blueberry simply nods silently when you approach them. Your presence isn't unwanted, but you don't really feel any connection.
- During the lesson: Roo played the role of the prey today. Blueberry, along with her littermates, had to plan a strategy to remain undetected.
- During the lesson: Bumblebee arranged a lesson where all the puppies roleplayed the life of a pack, changing roles on Bumblebee's signal. Blueberry experienced being a leader but also a subordinate, and realized that every role has its purpose.
- During the lesson: Blueberry tried her new skills on real prey today. It worked with other pups earlier, but it won't always be so easy.
- During the lesson: Blueberry began tussling with a littermate, and clamped down hard with her teeth on the littermate's tail. The littermate let out a cry, and Eeyore trotted over and explained that while teeth can be used, they must be used gently and without any force.
- During the lesson: Blueberry patiently practiced using her voice and the strong will was clear in the young pup. The result was still far from an adult wolf but she was definitely not a beginner anymore!
- During the lesson: Some plants have healing properties, others can make you sick. Blueberry learned about common mistakes in recognizing herbs, and found she had a natural talent for it.
- During the lesson: For small prey, Kanga explained claws are your best asset. She demonstrated to Blueberry that there are ways to pin prey down and kill with a small bite to the neck, rather than trying to bite the entire piece of prey and ruining it.