"Sing with me a song,
of silence and blood"
HUGE Thank you to Mirage for helping me with her decor and design. ♡
(All of these purchases were made by Mirage).
10GC (Initial purchase)
5GC (2x Opacity changers, 1x Sex changer)
20GC, 1.6K(?) SC (Custom Decor)
2,850 Love bugs (Customisation)
† LORE †
She/Her || Generation 2, The pack's stud
End of All is a traveller.
She has been a traveller for her entire life. She does not know her goal, nor does she know her destination. What she does know is that it is her job to protect the weak: to help those in need, and to aid others whenever she can.
One day, on one of her travels, she wandered into an ancient temple and discovered an artefact- the sword which she now carries. The sword speaks to her, the whispers never truly going away. Its words are always in the back of her mind.. but they are not unwelcome words, no. They are words of encouragement, of wisdom and motivation.
The sword sings its praises- it tells End of All that her lifes mission is to protect and save the weak.
And she intends to fulfil that purpose, regardless of the cost.
End of All is stoic, calm and quiet. She is a loner, typically only revealing herself to others when she needs directions, or when she is helping them. She prefers to be alone, the sword is enough company. It does not have a name, but it is her only friend. She speaks very little, often responding with noises or simple one worded sentences. End of All may come off as intimidating or rude, but she is quite the opposite: she is gentle and polite, always willing to lend a helping paw to others, regardless of the task.
The sword has blessed her with powers of the ocean- she can manipulate and bend any body of water to her will, having hydrokinesis and cryokinesis. End of All and the sword she carries have a psychic bond, causing them both severe distress if they are separated. They are a package deal: do not separate them.
"You are the ocean's grey waves,
destined to seek life beyond the shore
just out of reach,
yet the waters ever change, flowing like time
the path is yours to climb"
The rest of the bio is a WIP.