Vagabond of The Sea
Rules: Do
not change his name or footnote. Feel free to edit his bio and add lore if you'd like!
not keep for more than 4 rollovers (unless Pairbonding, but please let me know in advance!)
No chasing or neglecting. Try to keep his food/amusement above
40%. If you need help with caring for him, just ask me to send some food + toys.
If you allow his hunger + happiness to decrease below 40%, I will recall him
He is breedable! Feel free to pairbond him
but please increase his mood after breaking the pairbond!)
Lore + decor is
optional, but feel free to add whatever decor you think fits him or lore you've created! I'd love to see your ideas

Please leave your
username, date received, date left and pups sired (if any)
Vagabond will he recalled at
6 years old
Date Received:
Date Left
Decor Added:
Pups Sired: