Welcome and thank you for hosting him!
Rules to keep in mind!
1.) Fill out the form below
2.) Do not change name or bio
3.) No not take his decor off, including the background (Though you may add decor)
4.) Do not chase
5.) Do not change the base or markings (You made add markings though)
6.) Do not keep over 10 ROs
7.) If you don't want him or can't keep him moving you can send him back or I will take him back
8.) Do NOT block me and try to keep him
9.) Do not sex change
10.) Don't pair bond
11.) Must be fed over 70% for both food and amusement
(Copy and paste the 'fill out sheet')
Name: N/A
Pack name: N/A
Date when entered pack: N/A
Date when left your pack: N/A
Lore: N/A
Decor added: N/A
Other: N/A
Below the line, please!