In the grand scheme of Norse cosmology, Eikthyrnir holds a place of honor. Perched atop Valhalla, the hall of the slain warriors, he eats from the leaves of Yggdrasil. He is such a colossal stag that the water that is (for some reason) flowing from its antlers flows into the well Hvergelmir. From there, the water runs on, feeding into all the rivers of the nine realms, sustaining life. It also serves as a testament to the interconnectedness of all life in the Norse universe.
The name Eikthyrnir (Old Norse: Eikþyrnir) is a compound of two elements. Firstly "eik," meaning "oak," and seconbdly, "þyrnir," which translates to "thorns" or "antlers." Painting an image of a stag with antlers as robust and sprawling as the branches of an oak tree.