Ahsoka Northbrook
▪︎ [ Stalker for the Wuka'i Heh ] ▪︎
▪︎ [ Bold, Outspoken, Curious, Manic, Eccentric ] ▪︎
Very close to her half-sister Hasu. The two cooperate exceptionally well; Ahsoka comes up with ideas and Hasu sets them into action.
• Mate: Kaduku
• Pups In Pack: None
• Parents: Akawauki & Alpha Dahuma
• Maternal Siblings: Hasu
• Best Friends: Hasu, Kaduku, Iqwi, Malrah
Autumn Y1, Age 0: Born into the Blackmoon Rising pack by Akawauki & Alpha Dahuma (litter of 5).
Winter Y1, Age 0: Became friends with Hasu.
Spring Y2, Age 0: Grew into an adolescent.
Summer Y2, Age 0: Decided to become a Chaser when she grows up. Learned how to swim with Hasu.
Autumn Y2, Age 0-1: Grew into an adult. Joined the Wuka'i Heh hunting party and became a Stalker. Ended the season at level 1.
Winter Y2, Age 1: Became friends with Malrah & Iqwi. Ended the season at level 4.
Spring Y3, Age 1: Ended the season at level 5.
Summer Y3, Age 1-2: Was badly wounded while hunting. Healed by Ashawgi. Began flirting with Kaduku, and he was receptive. Ended the season at level 6.
Autumn Y3, Age 2: Became mates with Kaduku. Ended the season at level 6.
Winter Y3, Age 2: Was badly wounded while hunting. Healed by Ashawgi & Mut-Kraw.