(Python was aquired on a trade, the rest of the story is made-up)
Python was the smallest of a litter of 5 and ended up being left behind in most activities with his siblings. As an adolescent, he ran away due to his mother's neglect.
Python was one of the first pups to be accepted by Muddy Mire in the pack. He was quiet and didn't get along that well with the other wolves, except for Cocoa.
During his first months, as he was still unable to pick a role, Python longed to create a legacy worth of being remembered in Lost Adventurers. Buttercup wished he could become a hunter.
Python was Lost Adventurer's first official herbalist and he moved to The Wanderer to be close to Cocoa.
Python considered himself a believer, often seeking comfort in the idea of religion Cocoa had.
Python was heterosexual.