The lustful King of Hell has three heads: bull, ram, and man breathing fire. He walks with a limp and rides a lion with the wings and neck of a dragon.
Starting Stats:
Strength58 Speed77 Agility68 Wisdom75 Smarts68 Total346
2nd Highest Stat Gen2 Fox for Stud
Only Gen2 Fox With Merle for Stud
Highest Stat Fox for Stud with White Merle
🦊 Reservations OPEN for next week | Asmodeus a T3 Fox NIB Gen 2 Stud! NO BIG NAMES | White Merle 🦊 https://www.wolvden.com/chatter/topic/329212?page=1#329212
🦊 Come stud to the highest stat T3 with white merle: Asmodeus | NIB G2 🦊 https://www.wolvden.com/wolf/1417206
🦊 Asmodeus | T3 Fox NIB G2 | 700+ Stats | NO BIG NAMES | White Merle | Stud for 10GC/600SC 🦊 https://www.wolvden.com/wolf/1417206