Meatball x Hemlock, Pup 3 of 3.
Puppy Injury
Lake Water
got a little too close to an eroding river bank this morning. The
ground beneath her gave way, causing her to slip and fall into the
river! Thankfully, she made it out mostly unscathed. She grazed her leg
against a rather sharp river rock whilst attempting an escape. Oh no!
Lake Water gained a small injury and suffered -5 HP
Puppy Injury
A loud yelp woke you in the middle of the night. It seems like an annoying fly decided to make a meal out of
Lake Water's rump, who was sleeping far from the rest of the pack, unsupervised as usual. After killing the fly, you helped to soothe
Lake Water
back to sleep, before examining her nasty-looking bite. You decide to
keep an eye on it for infection. Oh no! Lake Water gained a small
injury and suffered -1 HP
Puppy Injury
While out following your scouts during training,
Lake Water got overly excited and managed to trip over herself while chasing a rabbit.
Lake Water's paw got hurt, but not as much as her pride did. Oh no! Lake Water gained a small injury and suffered -3 HP