Born: 03/23/2021 || Died: 11/24/2022
As the son of the first Consul, it was only natural Blood became Praetor after the previous one, Nocturne, died. Though he was not the first Prodromus of Lunisla, and he certainly won't be the last, he was the first to be titled both Praetor and Prodromus.
His particular power, however, proved rather difficult to control compared to the others. As useful as his inherent combat skill was, it was easy for him to get out of hand. And thus his elusive and somewhat aloof personality developed as a means to protect his pack mates from the dangers of his nature.
As Praetor, he oversaw immense growth within the packs; watching his childhood friends find mates and have pups he ruled over Lunisla for three generations, finally retiring as the last generation came into their adolescence. His powers allowed his body to age more slowly than the average wolf, his muscles kept lean and fit throughout his life but his mind grew weary, tired and indifferent. In his old age, he was known as a distant leader, he had little patience and only the very few closest to him were able to get more than a few words or minutes out of him.
The Superi would not look upon him mercifully when his time finally came, at least that's how he would word it. The gift of immortality is not a boon the Lunislan wolves commonly look down upon but after a lifetime of fighting with his very nature, he wanted the peace of eternal rest.
Having never found such peace, he would spend the rest of his eternal days wandering Lunisla - the old Consuls would convince the new Praetor to allow such, having been Blood's Consuls in his time as Praetor - occasionally visiting his mate and only son, spending time with them when he could. Though the rage and blood-thirst that once ran through his veins like a wildfire has lulled, the pull is still there, lingering and he remains careful of his time around his loved ones.