Date of Birth: Wednesday February 2, 2021
Date of Freezing: Saturday February 6, 2021
0 Years, 0 Months: Sunrise was born with an additional head. As scary as it looks, the puppy seems to crawl and find a source of milk just fine using a dominant head, while the other head just mimics suckling jaw movements.
0 Years, 1 Month: Despite his struggles with learning how to walk, Sunrise's stronger head is barking softly at many things while he explores. The other head seems to just be silently observing.
0 Years, 1 Month: Sunrise has been having seizures the past few days, causing him to lose control of its limbs as more time passes. It's a sad realization that there isn't much you can do to help.
Position: 24th on the site
Currently: 155 on the site
Mortal Appearance: [link]
Sunrise's cold nose pokes your shoulder. They proclaim that they know everywhere you've been today just by the way you smell!
Sunrise brings something to you with an excited smile, saying that they can't wait to see what you do with it.
Sunrise asks about your plans for today, speaking enthusiastically about what both of you are going to do. Before you know it, they've included themselves and you aren't even upset. It's going to be fun.

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