| Behind the Name | The current name Sitka (derived from Sheet'ká, a contraction of the Tlingit Shee At'iká) means "People on the Outside of Baranof Island," whose Tlingit name is Sheet'-ká X'áat'l (here contracted to Shee).
This wolf is now level 5!
+1 Max HP, +1 agility, +1 speed, +3 strength, +2 wisdom, +3 smarts
This wolf is now level 6!
+1 Max HP, +4 wisdom, +3 smarts, +1 agility, +2 speed, +2 strength
This wolf is now level 7!
+1 Max HP, +3 speed, +2 smarts, +2 strength, +5 wisdom, +2 agility
This wolf is now level 8!
+1 Max HP, +2 speed, +6 smarts, +3 strength, +2 agility, +3 wisdom