Under an aging oak and surrounded by other oak species, lays a chestnut colored wolf, her piercing golden eyes watching your approach but you can see the gray around her muzzle, around her paws and you know she is old. In fact, you were told this. She is the oldest wolf in the pack! And the pack loved her too much to lose her and so they fought to get her a jellyfish and somehow, the scouts managed to bring one back! You're grateful, for you can see the kindness in those golden eyes of her's. And when she speaks, it's a soft, breathy whisper, a hint of her age showing in her voice alone.
Hello small one. My name is Carrot. I was the original Herbalist for the pack but aging caught up to me. It made it harder to forge for the needed herbs and I was starting to fail my pack in ways, I never wanted to have happen. I kept bringing less and less herbs back and sadly, this happens as you age, as you get older. I am so grateful to the amazing young pup, who will take my place once her own mentor trains her. For now, I am enjoying my retirement. Immortality you see, isn't so bad. I do miss my mate, but I know I'll see him soon. I hope. Immortality doesn't take away the pains of age though sadly. So forgive me if I don't stand to greet you properly.
She says as she gazes at you with keen eyes, still sharp as ever, despite her age. Slowly, you lay down and smile up to her. Wonder filling your gaze as she chuckles softly.
I take it, you're staying then? She asks softly as you nod then speak. I am wise one. I've come to learn the ways from a skilled herbalist and I was told, you were the one to come too. You reply softly as she smiles and nods slowly. I've taught you much already, haven't I? She asks suddenly, catching you off guard before you nod and smirk. How'd you know it was I grandma? You ask as Carrot smirks to you. My dear, beautiful Lea. I can't ever forget my most proudest moment of teaching you to be the pack's next herbalist! She laughs as you giggle aloneside her.
"For many moons, Carrot taught Ankh's daughter Lea on how to be a herbalist. Sadly, Carrot was drawing ever closer to the end of her life cycle here on Wolvden. She is my FIRST NBW Dinar and only the eighth wolf named 'Carrot' to take on the Herbalist role within the Dragon Hill Pack. However, for some unknown reason, the others, I never clicked with, but this beautiful Dinar female? Yup. I couldn't let her go. Couldn't chase her even when I began clearing out slots for other wolves. She always remained. And here she'll stay. I couldn't let her go to the Dynasty because, as far as I'm concerned, her story isn't over. It's just begun." ~Khaleesi~