They would fight together, retreat together, wake up together, watch the stars together, thats just how it was, and he enjoyed it.
He didnt know who Laikan thought he was, barging in on his happiness, promising stability and friendship. He wanted life to stay the way it was, but one look on his brothers face... Herb was always more passive, despite being the older brother. Stability was what he needed, and Berry knew that.
Berry relented, agreeing to joining this Tribe, to protect these Spirits.These Spirits of the moon. He didn't believe them. They couldn't be real. Herb had fallen for it all. Claims to have even spoken with them as he learned new herb combinations. It was nonsense. This was a mistake.
Laikan noticed how restless Berry was, hunting wasn't enough for the younger male. Laikan proposed an idea, that Berry could become a scout. Berry had to admit this idea was much more fun. He planned to take Herb with him to forage in father lands, so they did. Berry become happier, being able to venture the world while still giving Herb the stability he needed.
Eventually, Herb had gotten too old to venture as far out as Berry wanted to go. Laikan introduced a new wolf to him, a girl, who could be a second scout to keep him company., Stars That Guide The Way became his best friend. She understood him more than any wolf, except Herb of course.
They never went further with their relationship, as there was nothing more than friendship.
As the years passed, he started spending more time with Herb, knowing his time left was short. He just hoped he got Juniper trained in time before he died. Berry dreads the day he has to bury his brother in the ground.