As you enter a territory surrounded by towering mountains and a wide array of plants, a scent tingles your nose. Another wolf? Male too. Almost as soon as you smelled it, a wolf of average size with gold, black, and white fur pushes his head out from a section of tightly knit bushes, a small smile crossing his face at the sight of you, "Greetings, I've heard so much about you. Oh, but you've definitely heard about me as well!" He doesn't look familiar, but what about his name? So with that you ask only to immediately be met with a disbelieving chuckle, "My name? it's Sháńdíín of course. Bless the stars you must have a dull memory!" You simply stare, it doesn't ring a bell and you tell him that. "Wait, you don't know me?" He looks sad... Oh, dear.