Found as a pup by Athren, he remembers little of his past or his real name. Athren found him curled up outside of a Warren, rabbits surrounding him as he slept. Athren found the situation so amusing he named him after the first rabbit who was a Godlike figure to the Hares.
As he grew El-ahrairah proved himself to be a viable member in the pack and was eventually chosen to be the future beta of the pack. Despite not being the Alpha, because of Athrens inability to breed, he was chosen to be the male allowed to breed.
Known by his fellow pack members as Rah, he tends to be an anxious wolf, possibly from his past. Despite this his anxiousness often proves itself useful in situations. He has a keen eye for details and is quick.
El-ahrairah|NIB Rime T2/Violet eyes|10m|G5 1
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