The Paranoid Pessimistic Leader who believes he is cursed and looks high and low for an heir to take over after his reign. He's had visions of a land filled it ice and snow and sends out his scouts frequently to find said place.
7th of Nov: Scouts have come back with the reporting of a land were it seems to be cold all year long. Could this be the place?
8th of Nov: Alpha: Leporis has come to the conclusion that this place is not the place of ice and snow, but has decided it is time for the pack to move. Pack was successfully moved to the Taiga after chasing away a rival pack of 5 lone wolves.
21st of Nov: Pack is struggling to stay fed in the Taiga, several pack members almost chose to leave due to the lack of food. Leporis has decided perhaps it's time to move back south.
24th of Nov: Pack was successfully moved to the Prairie. Food is plentiful with already a few successful hunts. Perhaps.. in the future the pack will try the Taiga again~