A dark silhouette follows beside you for a while, silent as a shadow. It disappears briefly, making you pause and look around. Where had it gone...? When you face forward again, ready to make a quick getaway, a wolf stands before you, crystal eyes surveying your form emotionlessly. He had a job given to him by his Queen. She was the one he hailed to, she was the one who he obeyed and gave his life and soul to. There was no room for a mate, but there was room for spreading his bloodline across the packs. He was trained for this. And you will be the next part of his Queen's cause.
359 stats at birth
Dinar Mantle & Black Predator added 11-27-20 with RMA
Base changed to Russet (Warm Dark II) 11-29-20 with Base Changer
Black Dilution & Dark Brown Back Stripe added 12-10-20 with MA