tūrehu ~ fairy folk/pale mythical being
future stud: selene base
starting stats: 339 (79, 64, 59, 76, 61)
slot 1: yellow dilution
slot 4: red points
slot 8: white light husky
slot 9: white spectacles
slot 10: white shaded
dream decor concept:

The Irish have their leprechauns, the Nordic people have their trolls and, in New Zealand, Maori have Patupaiarehe - or Tūrehu.
These mysterious fair-skinned beings were known by various names, and stories about them are common in most tribal histories. They were said to have lived deep in the forests on the high slopes of mountains, only venturing out at night or on misty days.
According to many traditional legends these people did not cook their food and could not tolerate sunlight. Sometimes, on still, foggy evenings, the Tūrehu could be heard playing their flutes and singing their strange, haunting songs said to tempt unsuspecting Maori away from their villages never to be seen again.
Tūrehu have been dismissed as simple fairy stories but, in Maoridom, they were and are very real and only disappeared after the arrival of Pakeha and the destruction of their forest homes.
It is said that, in some very remote forests, a few survivors may well still exist.