You find yourself traveling through and down a stoney path way, hopping from rock to rock. Admittedly It was the perfect time to scavenge, after all, the rams and goats would be grazing before the sun set and the cougars peered there, in your humble opinion, ugly feline heads. Maybe you’ll keep this place in mind next time you’re belly is in need of a meal.
You catch a glimpse of something sparkling out of the corner of your eye and turn your head slowly to see a grey wolf that appeared to have speckles in his coat that looked like stars. You tilt your head and he turns to face you, smiling wide. “ Take a picture it’ll last longer babe. “ Babe? What a tool. You scoff and he snorts. “ Are you here to join my pack or are you some free loader here to take my prey? “ the end of his words are twisted into a low pissy growl and despite being on guard you still can’t help but roll your eyes. Neither you were just passing through. “ Oh well then, shameful. I would have taken good care of you. Well, if you change your mind. I’ll be here with open arms just for you. “ he winks and you taken your leave with a sigh.
...Though you can’t help but feel like his eyes are trailing you as you leave, he staring at your butt?! You take off a little quicker in a huff. What an absolute douche canoe.