Lavellan had her first litter younger than was probably wise. In her defense, Solas is very attractive and she loves him a lot. The pair knew that parenting wouldn't be easy, but thankfully their younger daughter, U'venise, makes it just a bit easier.
Compared to her more difficult sister, Numin, U'venise is a breeze to care for. She sleeps soundly, rarely cries, and loves to cuddle with her parents. She's truly a joy to be around.
As she grows U'venise's quiet and cuddly demeanor is replaced with an energetic and adventurous spirit. She loves to run, climb, swim - any activity is a fun activity. Often she'd try to convince her temperamental sister to play with her but it usually ended with Numin falling off a log or rock and blaming U'venise for pushing her. Despite her moody and sometimes snappy personality U'venise loves her sister - even when Numin doesn't particularly like U'venise.
U'venise has a great admiration for her father Solas and the two are very close. As a pup, her goal was to one day be a Scout, just like him, and go on lots of adventures. Solas was happy to teach her what he knew and did all he could to encourage his daughter's curiosity. Now U'venise is fully grown and on her way to being an accomplished Scout. Her parents are endlessly proud of her for sticking to her goals and achieving her dreams. U'venise is humble, though, and insists that without their guidance and support she never would have gotten to where she is. Lavellan and Solas are even more touched by the sentiment, taking comfort in the fact that although they were extremely young and inexperienced parents their first daughters have both grown into fine young wolves.