Starting Stats: 200
Pairbonded To: Arc [Queen] on 6/8/2021
Items Purchased for Zero:
Raven Cliff Background: 1000 SC
Battle-Scarred Decor: 10 GC
Halo from the Seers Decor: 15 GC
3 Gold Earring Decor: 8 GC
Black Spiked Bracelets Decor: 10 GC
Snarly Expression Decor: 10 GC
Bone Nose Piercing Decor: 7 GC
Subtle Sunrise Decor: 10 GC
Antlers of the Old and Wise Decor: 7 GC
Battlefield Decor: 10 GC
Total Currency Spent on Zero:
1000 SC
87 GC