Adora ran away from her pack when she was just a young adolescent. They called themselves the Horde. They were a powerful, evil pack who manipulated, tortured, abused their members. The abuse started from a young age. Without exception, it lasted until wolves were big and strong enough to fight back at their attackers and force them to stop. This was the rite of passage required to escape the constant pain, for strength was valued above all else. However, once they earned this place in the order, they were expected to inflict the same cruelty upon those below them instead, perpetuating the endless cycle of fear and pain.
Allegedly, Adora was found by a wolf named Shadow Weaver as an abandoned orphan and taken in. But sadly, Adora has reason to suspect that the Horde may have done something to her birth family. Whatever the case, Shadow Weaver had her eye on Adora for as long as she can remember.
The Horde, and especially Shadow Weaver, saw Adora's natural strength right from the start. She decided that she wanted Adora to be her personal pupil. She would make Adora so strong that she would grow up to become the next leader of the pack. She was given some special treatment due to her status as the chosen heir and Shadow Weaver's favorite. She was not treated as harshly as the other pups, and where they were criticized and harshly punished, she was showered with gifts and praise. Shadow Weaver's expert manipulation prevented her from seeing how harmful the Horde truly was. She told Adora that everyone else deserved what was done to them, because they had failed their pack and acted weak.
In fact, there was one wolf who Shadow Weaver was more terrible to than anyone elseβ Adora's best friend, Catra.
Catra had also been taken in as an orphan, as were many of the pups in the Horde. However, where Adora seemed to be the one upon whom Shadow Weaver projected all her pride, hunger, and ambition, it was Catra who shouldered the evil wolf's hatred, insecurity, and relentless punishment. She was blamed for all of Adora's mistakes. She was criticized if she failed, and criticized if she succeeded. Whether she won or lost a fight, she was seen as a threat to Adora's successful future.
One day, Shadow Weaver found Catra and Adora playfully tussling in the woods. Seeing the two acting with such affection and closeness, she grew furious. Later that day, she took Catra on a hunt as an excuse to separate her from Adora. Far from the rest of the pack, she pinned her down and gave her a scar she would never forget. She swore that if Catra ever dared to act in such a way with Adora again, she would do even more permanent damage. And if Catra breathed a word of this to anyone, she would dispose of her body herself. She instructed Catra to go back to the pack and tell anyone who asked that she had been attacked by a mountain lion.
Catra fled back home. But even if it meant her own death, Catra could not hide such a terrible secret from her best friend. A bit selfishly, perhaps, she was too terrified to bear this pain alone. Gasping for breath and bleeding, she told Adora everything. She didn't care if she died anymore. Her existence was already a living hellβ Adora was the only thing that made her life worth living.
Adora was horrified. Her best friend in the world was bleeding out in front of her because of the wolf who raised her. She almost couldn't believe it. But she trusted Catra more than anyone. Right then, Adora promised that she would look after Catra no matter what else happened. Although at the time it felt like empty words, Adora swore that nothing bad would happen to Catra as long as they had each other. As long as they protected and looked out for each other, they could do anything.
"You promise?" Catra said weakly.
"I promise." Adora said.
She knew they couldn't stay. Catra's injury would slow them down, making it dangerous to attempt escape. But they couldn't risk waiting for Shadow Weaver's patience to run out. Any second could be her best friend's last. Adora stole what little herbs she could for Catra's wound and made sure they were both fed. Then as silently as they could, they ran. She took Catra through mud, rivers, and streams. She did everything she could to hide their scent. Adora hunted what she could, only small prey that crossed their paths. Never once did she leave Catra behind.
They ran for three days and nights without stopping. Finally, at the end of the third night, they collapsed from exhaustion and blacked out. When Adora came to, she didn't know how much time had passed, but Catra was still out cold by her side. Blinking the sleep out of her eyes, she took in her surroundings. A wide open grassland surrounded them on all sides. Birds chirped in the trees as the sun crested over a distant hills. The rustling of small creatures disturbed the soft swaying of the grass. On the wind, Adora caught the smell of a river.
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