Please note: this only applies to Bright Star’s nursery.
Who this Cave is used for
The Nursery is a Cave for pups, pregnant or nursing females, and pupsitters.
This Cave’s Lore
The Nursery is split up into four equal sections, each serving a different purpose. Silknest is a dark corner blanketed with soft feathers and dried herbs, perfect for pregnant wolves and newborn puppies. Puppies are here before they are even born, as their mothers go to Silknest to ensure their pups are born safely. Lonepetal is a small area for Younger Pups and their mothers. Non-poisonous ivy grows across the cave’s wall, and a few small cracks in the ceiling let sunlight through. Here, puppies are weaned by their mothers and taught to suckle the ivy for comfort. Once they are fully weaned, their mother will return to her den. Frolicfeather is a place for the oldest pups, the ones who will soon be adolescents. It’s not unlike the Pack Members cave, with its leaf bedding, pile of prey, and small den for each individual wolf. However, unlike the Pack Members cave, there are feathers strewn about the floor for the puppies to play with. Guardthorn is essentially an extension of the Pack Members cave. It is the home of the pupsitters, who watch over the pups and protect their mothers while in Guardthorn. Conveniently, it is located near Silknest, so if a pupsitter becomes pregnant, she can simply walk a short distance and lay down to ensure her pups are born safely.
Entering/Leaving Requirements
Pregnant wolf nested - enter
Puppies weaned - leave
Become pupsitter - enter
Born to a mother owned by Bright Star - enter
Enter Gleaming Stars pack through TC - enter
Become adolescent - leave
Enter another pack - leave