resident medical botanist. has an interest in researching the potential medicinal properties of otherworldly or extradimensional substances (e.g. glowing spores), but is concerned about the stigma associated with such studies and how it might influence her medical peers' opinion of her.
mushrooms of unknown origin began sprouting from her head several years into her research. although she acted as though this development was benign, she began experiencing increasingly-intense hallucinatory episodes, and a growing feeling that some alien intelligence within the mushrooms was attempting communication with- or control of- her mind.
rather than telling literally anyone about this she decided it would be more interesting to just see where things would go, because she's normal like that
these days, her hallucinations have grown into a whole otherworldly glowing-fungal-spore-wolf-entity that only she can see. it calls itself "Opheleia" and claims to be an emissary of an extradimensional hivemind species. heather does not trust it, but she's stuck with it now!
she's kind of a jerk and pretty socially withdrawn most of the time. the fact that she got together with the very outgoing
Cyril is confusing to everyone