Desert wolf, desert wolf, why did you run? // Was it fear, was it hate, or the call of the sun? // Did it tell you to flee, or to chase every day? // When you went, when you went, did the sunlight stay?
[A Lior Song: "Ain't No Sunshine" by Bill Withers!]
A message scrawled in the wall beside Lior's bed... seems old, the writing is scraggly and curled:
"I have no earthly or otherwordly idea how you do what you do. I know you won't tell. Maybe one day you can at least say why you smile so much? For curiosity's sake." - It's not signed.
Another message, sloppy and full of grammatical errors (I'll translate):
"Thanks for helping me scout while my buddy was out! I'm sure your pups will be healthy and happy, like you! I'll update you on my adventures each time I come back. :D" - Esen.