During the lesson: Elpidio rolled the toy in deceptive scents today - dung, dead fish and even an ant hill! Teresa had to focus really hard to separate multiple scents entangled together to find the toy.
During the lesson: Teresa concentrated on the bumblebee hovering above a large, white flower. Nothing else existed in this very special moment, and Orestes couldn't help but watch in approval.
Ascanius gave a lesson to Teresa about the balance in nature. Beginner herbalists must not take all the herbs from one spot and be careful not to destroy anything, because herbs are far too valuable.
During the lesson: Echo was serious as they explained that even the best hiding spot won't save your life if you reveal yourself too soon. Teresa learned how to limit body movement and noise in dangerous situations.
You approach Teresa and they greet you eagerly. They are confident this phase of the moon will bring the pack good fortune.
According to Teresa, today is the best day for success. Whether it's true or not, with this optimistic mindset you're ready for anything.
Teresa asserts without a shred of doubt that what they have for you is exactly what you need.
Iuno and Teresa spent time trading stories about the adventures of the elders and the mischief of the pups.