This wolf is immortal! It will never age or die. It cannot be bred or used in roles, or retired into. This wolf has not rolled over today and will not be able to be traded or gifted until its next rollover.
Spent: 40 (marking apps / removers), 20 (breeding male) = 60 Total
Bought for 800, 20 Lucky Feet, 1 Azure Eye App Planned Look AnthroLvl 1: 322
Lvl 2: 327
Lvl 3: 333
Lvl 4: 343
Lvl 5: 354
Lvl 6: 368
Lvl 7: 385
Lvl 8: 405
Lvl 9: 424
Lvl 10: 449
Lvl 11: 480
Lvl 12: 508
Lvl 13: 543
Lvl 14: 581
Lvl 15: 623
Lvl 16: 671
Lvl 17: 714
Lvl 18: 758
Lvl 19: 813
Lvl 20: 863Meet Atlas, a GORGEOUS G3 NIB Seal stud! 6 special marks and LUX eyes! VLF friendly! 3 or 500 LAST CALL! RETIRING TODAY! Atlas | G3 Seal Stud | 6 Special Marks | Lux Eyes | Normally 3 or 500 // NOW 2 or 300!-Atlas produced Khan, who was chosen to be Fox3025's stud!
-JaceHeart was the last person to stud to Atlas with Scout.
-19x T3 pups bred and one T*, as well as 3x Hetero B&B Eyes!