Osiris was found quite early on in Lupus Montis' history, tucked away in some shrubbery, clearly abandoned by whomever was tasked with caring for him before. He looked very sickly, could barely walk on his own, and his face was malformed and caused him difficulty breathing. Many members of the pack were doubtful that he'd last the night. When brought before the packs first medic, Iris, she deduced that he was suffering from the birth defect Brachycephaly and that there was not much that could be done for him.
Everyone was quite prepared for him to pass, and wanted to make his last days as peaceful as possible. But a funeral never came, the boy continued to live despite his circumstances, and the pack began to realise something quite supernatural was at play here. Some force was keeping him alive, and so a member of the pack, Mercy, stepped up to care for Osiris full time. Though his motor skills remained as they had when he was found, the boy developed language, and it was clear he was highly intelligent.
He is always treated with kindness and respect, never patronised, and because of this the pack believe that whatever supernatural force that keeps him alive seems to extend its protection over the pack. One thing seems to be becoming clear, Osiris will outlast everyone.