Seabreeze was alerted by Bear the in the early morning of September 19, 2021 that her Queen, Sulphira, had passed away from old age. Seabreeze had competed with Zahara, Selena, and Isla, for the throne. A few days before her death Sulphira announced that Seabreeze would take over Coral Serpent Pack upon her passing. She then followed Sulphira the next few days and learned everything she possibly could. Sulphira told her all of the packs greatest secrets, and told her of the amazing wolf that started this pack, Willow, whom Sulphira had trained under and was handed the throne from. As Seabreeze arose and was led by Bear to where Sulphira's body lay, she heard Sunny's distinctive howl in the distance. He was mourning a Queen, a friend, and a mate he never had. A shiver ran down her spine, and she turned her head back and approached the body. She sniffed Sulphira gently, and found herself letting out a soft whimper of sadness. She approached the throne and climbed it as the entire pack suddenly surrounded them. Sunny appeared ever so quietly beside her, taking his place on the throne as King. All the wolves bowed their heads in submission, to the newest Queen of Coral Serpent Pack, Seabreeze. She released them back to their dens and sat staring out into the icy Tundra, as Bear and Sunny took Sulphira's body to properly bury her and return her to the land she so greatly loved.
Late in the night on November 3, 2021 Seabreeze was patrolling the perimeter when a rogue wolf appeared. Seabreeze paused, stiffening her body. The rogue wolf attacked without warning and a fierce battle ensued. After what seemed like hours, Seabreeze stood victorious over the lifeless body of the rogue wolf, blood dripping from her face. She padded to the water and the wolf staring back shocked her. She grimly accepted her new face, although adjusting to one eye would definitely take some time. She wondered how her pack would react to her only having one eye. Would they still accept her? Would they still feel she could effectively lead them? So many questions raced through her mind as she padded through the snow, blood dripping, leaving a bright red pathway in her wake. She arrived to the home cave and decided to awake Snowglow, after all she would probably need some herbs to avoid infection. He followed her outside and applied the necessary balm. He assured her the pack would only trust in her more and she nodded. Snowglow was wise for such a young wolf. She went back inside the cave and curled up, exhausted. Sunny raised his head and sniffed her gently before laying his head back down. Seabreeze fell asleep quickly, already adjusting to only having one eye.
461 starting stats
Sex Changer was applied September 18, 2021 and re-named from Seasalt