271 Stat start: Nbw at 1 y/o
Touched by the aurora that graced the northern skies. When she was younger, she had become trapped in the Dreamlands with no way back. Balk, an alpha from the waking world, had found her and decided to help. They didn't get along at all. Despite this, Balk stayed and even became trapped himself. They found a being that was willing to give them passage back... For a price. It was an Elk spirit and it wanted something one of the wolves treasured. For Shore, it was her thick and beautiful coat. She agreed and in exchange they returned safely to the waking world. Her fur now remained touched by the Dreamlands, it's blue tones shining gently in the moonlight. Balk was grateful for her sacrifice and offered her a place in his pack.
Named her Shore out of the blue (haha) then went to check what Balk means because I want them to be a pair. Apparently Balk means someone that lives near the bank. Balk and Shore. Completely coincidental but actually more related than I had originally thought. Serendipitous indeed and so it shall be!
562 and 490 gave 336