Losing his mother as a young when born into the pack along with his sisters, Kai and Oceanza nurtured them and treated them as their own alongside Kitashi.
Although very much different, Kitashi was his very best friend and the most supportive when he first told him of his secret bond he made with a young wolf that most of the other adolescent wolves found too close to Death.
"Look at me and Jez, she just gets me in ways no one else understands. She is my wolf mate in the soul. I've hunted explored, and fought for this pack but it means nothing to me if I cant have her. If thats what she makes you feel then, my friend shes yours as much as your hers. But, oceanza with her all seeing eyes will be able to tell you for certain. She did me." And so he did, he went to the wise Oceanza and asked her his request. She did not look surprised but rather sad.
"You Yuily of the Citrine Pack have many hardships to face. You must be strong and you must be wise. Kitara is your bondmate but she has darkness that if not careful will swallow you both whole"
Her eyes were no longer glazed but she shook from the overwhelming vision. Not nearly as shook as it made him.
He said his thank you and headed home with a heavy heart along with a heavy weight that settled on his shoulders.
Not once did he ever tell anyone of the vision.
One day his sisters disappeared, they always had did so but this time was different. He watched from a distance as their eyes glowed and they walked in tune with each other through a purple haze he would later learn was a different realm or what others called alternate dimensions similar to the dreamlands that King Kai or other Alphas would enter.
His sisters would be back he promised himself and he knew he could still feel them. Their bond was too strong even for another realm. He knew his sisters were alive and safe.
Months went by before they returned with a urgent message
Oleander was frazzled and clearly shaken.
"Its the Alpha, Jupiter. Hes.... not okay. I dont understand how to explain it but hes not himself. Hes always slightly aggressive, but Yulily he ripped one of his oldest packmates throats out. Hes been talking to himself and there has been this rotten feel about him....That's not just it either..." She sat herself down on a rock-more like almost collapsed from exhaustion.
"O, are you okay?" Yulily didnt even try to hide his fear and concern.
"No, actually I'm weak. Idk if I'll be able to send a message again Yu and idk if I'll even be ME to be able to. "
"I dont understand Oleander what's going on with your new pack?"
"That's just it I DONT KNOW everyone was welcoming and warm even if a bit rowdy at times but now everyone feels like" she gasped. "OMG yulily do you remember when we were pups and Nora and Oceanza were doing a weird ritual to Shadow and he was growling and acting strange and they told us to leave? That feeling that something wasnt right and a heaviness on us? When I'm near the packmemebers I feel that way but some of them a bit different. With Alpha Jupiter... well it's that way but so much worse. I need King Kai to have Shadow and others strong to come. I need their aid. If he'll give it.
"We will, I'll make sure he gives the okay." Yulily didnt even hesitate.