Chosen name: "Nyrem"
Pup name: "Little Fang"
Birth season: Winter
Human appearance: He's about 6'3" tall, athletic in build, and leggy. His skin is a beautiful rich brown and covered in various scars he's earned over the years. Nyrem has a very distinctive, deep voice that's been said to literally travel through you at times especially when he yells. It only enhances the already intimidating feel about him. He has a triangle face with long eyelashes, a well-formed nose, neat facial hair, large ears, and full lips. His intense yellow eyes are sharp and framed by full black eyebrows. Nyrem's black hair is mid-back length and wavy. His sides tapered and tattooed. He usually wears new, expertly made clothes that are mostly dark colored with colorful embroidery. He prefers his pants loose and flowing and his shirts fitted. He also wears his mother's gold bracelet on his left wrist.
Personality: Observant, self-confident, curious, protective, motivated, emotional.
Rank & class: Alpha - Royal
Relationships: Vaka (Queen), Vhyra, Fadhira, Ivena, Avnei (mates) & numerous children
Orientation: Bisexual
World view: Realist
Physical health: No notable issues
Quirks: Mumbles when deep in thought
Interests: Long nightly walks
Disinterests: Disorder, being touched by strangers, HUMANS
Phobias: Copious amounts of blood
Favorite food: Cubed caribou bites
Animal companion: "Stormborn" (grey stallion)