` ` Perhaps if you were loyal, you'd be less... disposable. ` `
The she-wolf snarled softly, fury fueled by frustration, a growling blister of panic bubbling in her gut. The snow fell lightly, but not so much so that she could see the outcrops jutting out the ridge beyond her paws. It was dark, not just the gloom of night; a contracting, claustrophobic kind of dark that pressed down on all sides and brushed against her fur. Though, she reasoned, that could merely be panic. Before the sun scored the horizon, the she-wolf would say that she had never felt true panic -- true panic was the ice in the air and the shingle at her paws. True panic was not knowing, uncertaincy, if you will. She did not know now.
Yet only the strongest of instincts could keep her sane throught the blaze of fear and turmoil: a mother's instinct. The overwhelming need to keep the welp that dangled limply from her jaws alive. The pup crooned softly, its voice a quiet hum below the whistle of high wind. He squirmed weakly, kicking out his hind paws before curling back into a ball of restlessness, dependent entirely on his mother. Her instincts had been engrained into her brain by birth, akin to every other wolf who lived and breathed. Though, why did they tell her to keep the runt alive whatever the cost? He was her last surving pup, sure, but if she were to die protecting him, both would perish and she would have no more cubs of her own. Why would she sacrifice a full life of her own with many healthy litters for one squawling lump? She didn't know, still, but her intiscts drove her forwards.
"You are mine," the mother hissed. No one could take that from her -- not the bear nor the wolf nor the lynx. "And you'll grow strong."

Leader of the Tenabri Since 12/08/2021
Nytherin is a cold, fearless alpha male who rules the Tenabris with an iron paw.