Raised by humans with all of his siblings, they lived in a enclosure
with a couple who used to take black boxes inside to observe them.
they grew up they were released into the wild, unfortunately, since
they were raised in captivity they did not know how to hunt. Chased off
by nearby packs, the members were slowly picked off, one by
one. Either by injury, predators or by famine, soon most of the wolves
had died, leaving behind a couple elders, Shivo and Lannel. The
brothers, not wanting to end up dead like their siblings, soon took off
on their own, decided to try and find a new place to live, and they met
Glawn who took them to her den and thye were brought in into the pack.
A semi-aggresive wolf, Shivo loves making fun of practically everyone and nobody is ever sure if he's being sarcastic or honest when being mean. He is one of the oldest hunters of the pack, but very ironically he is also one of the worst hunters since he always ends up getting hurt when trying to be anything other than a finisher. He, alonside his brother, is very intimidated by Ashlen but they also have a lot of respect for the leader of the pack.
Art by 🌊marsh #42304


Art bykurogitsune