This wolf is currently on a pair bond cool down for 5 rollovers! He can't form a new pair bond until then! This wolf has not rolled over today and will not be able to be traded or gifted until its next rollover.
Grouse was not a full-grown pup when he was found by Crow's Wing's wolves in the early snow of dead-leaf season. Because of snowbite, some of his fur became light. Adults suggested he was chased from his own kin, then the pup got lost on the cold night and fell unconsious in the middle of the forest. He doesn't remember much about his previous life and has no desire to talk about it.
Grouse is a bit diffident, modest and thoughtful young wolf who seeks for his own place in Crow's Wing's pack. He is extremely grateful to the leader and his pack for saving the youngster's life. Despite being mostly humble, he sometimes get irritated very quickly and has a sharp tongue when is needed. He thinks that past is past and you shouldn't get back to it, even if it calls you back - the lesson he learned from the night when he almost died because of cold and exhaustion.