September 23, 2021
Aronia has been among herbs since she was born. Unsurprising, considering they were born in the herbalist den rather than the whelping den; she and her littermate had come early. She spent her puphood in the eastern den, but almost every day her dam visited smelling of plants and dirt. Aronia always asked what they were, much to Evening Shade's amusement. It was only natural Aronia train to become an herbalist once she was trusted not to trample everything.
November 17, 2021
Strange herbs have been appearing in the lands. Aronia isn't scared, persay, more unnerved. She's just glad Velvet is doing something about it; or so they say. They claim they're investigating it but nothings changed. Aronia awoke this morning to a weird plant growing in her den. She would get rid of it if it wasn't so pretty.