There is something that has bothered Skyrend ever since she was a pup. Everything changes but stays constant. Ponds change but they stagnate. Seasons change but it's a cycle. Good things change to bad and vice versa. Finally wolves change but no one remembers their stories.
A wolf is like a feather. A feather helps the bird fly but when it's lost, It's of no consequence. The bird continues on unaware. A wolf helps it's pack thrive but when they fall, they are forgotten. It may take time or it may not depending on their influence. But while time marches on, their memory is forgotten and they die again.
Silverfell has wolves of mourning and star wolves and void wolves to communicate to the beyond. But how can they call upon the lost if they themselves are forgotten? Whose to speak for the ancestors no one seeks? Who are remembered by none?
Life moves on without them. But in a way the Voidcaller communicates with those who have but a fragment of memory to their name. But the true hero to Skyrend is Voidbreak. He calls upon the power of the ancients. Those who are just a shadow. Those who can't even remember their own name. He calls the wisps of smoke and gives them hope. With that Skyrend can agree with. Although he is still evil himself, he has a good cause. Skyrend hopes he is forgiven in the end
When he became the leader of Silverfell, Skyrend was enthusiastic. Wolves are now noticing that he's not all bad. Granted he took the role by force, Skyrend is interested to see what happens. He's very hard-working.