By the way he holds his tongue and keeps his head down, you assume that Walleye is a reserved, patient, and soft-spoken young fellow.
You're consequently shocked when, upon off-handedly mentioning how docile he is to his hunting partners, Briar and Mink, they laugh in your face.
They proceed to giddily tell you about how ruthless Walleye truly is.
Now whenever you see him, you shudder a little bit.

Walleye was born in a far away place to a mysterious pack. His sitter, whoever they'd been, had apparently allowed him to wander and consequently become lost. It was entirely thanks to Hollyhock stumbling upon him while following a white-tailed deer's scent trail that he survived. For that reason, the two are notably close; Hollyhock treats him as a son, and Walleye, despite normally being very guarded, is relaxed around her.
He has no friends other than Hollyhock. It worries Freesia from time to time, as it makes him wonder if Walleye has ever felt truly at home in River Run. He'd ask, but he has to simultaneously admit (albeit to no one but himself) that stories of his viciousness have made him more than a little wary.