This wolf may leave due to neglect! Make sure to feed and play with her!
This wolf is currently on a breeding cool down. She will be able to fall pregnant again in 7 rollovers! This wolf has not rolled over today and will not be able to be traded or gifted until its next rollover.
"Puh-lease, excuse me for my language, sir", a white wolf huffed angrily. "Now bugger off from my den, or I'll rip your tail off and won't even look at the fact that you're one of the leaders."
When Crow's Wing indignantly turned away in the direction of the cave exit, Owl just sighed and went back on sorting her herbs and meds again. "Why does he never listens to me? Am I a herbalist here, or am I just a joke for them? And he calls himself a leader after this! Stupid shitbrained-"
Her irritated voice echoed through the cave's walls, and she was finishing her tasks when a small albino puppy approached a she-wolf with curiosity in his eyes - big, pink, so much sensitive to the light...
And then he sneezed, making a loud echo. An herbalist turned her head to the direction of the sound and looked at the small wolf.
"Oh, a pup. Well, good job at sneaking on me, didn't hear you coming at all", mumbled Owl awkwardly. "Hi, kiddo. Whatcha doing here?.."
Owl is an extremely bold and sharp-tongued she-wolf who serves as a herbalist in Crow's Wing's pack. She oftenly rebels against leaders' words, mostly because she hates when someone is being too bossy around. Owl prefers to do everything alone - it's quicker, ishe can fully rely on herself and definitely no one will make her want to bite someone's head off. Surprisingly, despite her aggressive character, Owl forms a strong bond of mentor and apprentice with a small albino pup named Quazar - maybe because she sees that he kinda sees the world around him just like an herbalist does.