This wolf is currently on a pair bond cool down for 29 rollovers! He can't form a new pair bond until then! This wolf has not rolled over today and will not be able to be traded or gifted until its next rollover.
At a warrior's age... As Bramblepaw was sleeping... Foxstar knew the next day would be something special for him... As he awakens, Foxstar lends out a howl of a meeting. "Any Wolves that can keep their energy up and going, to the Leader's rock for a clan meeting! Bramblepaw's ears perked up as he walked over the Leader's rock, well... near the rock anyways. Foxstar called him over "It's time for an apprentice to become a warrior! Bramblepaw, can you step forward, please? He hesitated before he took a step forward, and as he did... " I call over the Stars of Dystanty that this apprentice has been training well, to the point where he is fully able to become a warrior, Bramblepaw, do you promise to uphold the Warrior Code to make your clan happy? " Bramblepaw nodded. " I do, Foxstar, I won't disappoint you or others." Bramblepaw said, hoping the Leader would take his word, and... she did. " Then, by the powers of the Stars of Dystanty, Bramblepaw's new name will be Brambletracker. " The others cheered his name, and he feels happy to have trained this far.