base stats: 411
name means bread in basque
loaf is just a normal softy wolf boye.......he lovs flours an to nsiff them becos they remaind him off his past,,,,when he ussed to laye by his mother ad wach the sun set just lik a storee...thers a song he alwyas sings wen he remebbers thos gos 'is tis all jus a dreaam i m never wana wakke up from i thnk i ave had enogh of tis liieefe. and i wil lay her with u an watech the sun wak up i thenk i aveh ad neoofgh of this lieef..' and is realy emotenall..
anywya his best freind is mercury but hsi other best freind is mordov althogh is is more like freinds with benifits. he is a softy but he will get angy if u get on his freinds or his dont. or els he will go GRRRR and barek at u becos he is a soft boye. but still feroshus.
bio by me