This wolf is immortal! It will never age or die. It cannot be bred or used in roles, or retired into. This wolf has not rolled over today and will not be able to be traded or gifted until its next rollover.
Oz came tumbling out of his mother, legs flying everywhere. Each wolf in the pack was excited to greet the new lead's pups, but was horrified when they caught a glimpse of Oz. After consulting the snake, Tala, the enclave bear, and Furzespring (the current healer), it came to a conclusion that this was a random occurrence, and nothing that Smokeystar did had any impact of Oz's future.
After a difficult ritual, Oz was given as a sacrifice to the DEVS, the all-seers of their pack, and Oz's soul was returned to his body, but this time as a consultant that would lead Peakriver Pack through good and bad times. Everyone in the pack came to respect Oz, even if they have their suspicions.
Smokeystar was disheartened when she saw Oz, however came to love and respect any advice he gave her.